Explore the Santander Cycles Map highlighting, the location, coordinates and the maximum number of the 750 docking stations for all operational Santander Cycles in London. Select any point on the map to confirm the number of available bikes (excluding locked or faulty bikes), and the number of available docking points.
With 11,500 Santander Cycles available for hire across the 750 docking station network, cycling has quickly become one of the quickest ways to travel around London for commuters and tourists alike. Now you can quickly locate your nearest docking station by searching our interactive map.
Using Open Data from the Transport of London, we have produced this dynamic web map to enable tourists and commuters to locate their nearest docking station and plan their journey across London.
In order to help you get the most from the London Santander Cycle Docking Station Map, use the following map features -
This map has been created using open data from Transport for London with an Open Street Map transport base layer and docking station locations visualised using points.
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