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Introducing Northern Ireland’s Newest Planning Search Portal

Powered by Azimap, we are delighted to announce the launch of Northern Ireland’s newest planning search portal.

The planning search portal is changing how developers, planning officers, building control and the public search, find and access planning information and documentation.

The portal which is free to access makes it quicker and easier to find detailed information about recent or historic planning applications throughout Northern Ireland.

The advanced search capabilities enables users with the tools to search planning by town, address, postcode, planning number, applicant name or planning type.

Using The Planning Portal

By default on loading a map, it will display all planning applications for your chosen period. Hovering the cursor over a point on the map will display basic information about that planning application such as applicants name, planning number, date submitted and a brief description of the proposed plans. Selecting a point, will display detailed planning information along with a link to view associated documents.

In addition to viewing the planning information visitors can also use the measuring tools to measure the site boundary in meter square or hectares. Visitors can also use the place radius tool to locate hospitals, emergency services and schools from a specific distance from their planning application.

All the points on the map are colour coded depending on the type of planning application. Points that are surrounded by a green square represent applications that have been granted permission.

Nicola Hyndman

Nicola Hyndman - Marketing Manager

As Marketing Manager, Nicola is passionate about customer service, communication, digital marketing and market research. She strives to keep our community engaged and informed of all developments within our team and application.

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